Aunt Sofonda - The Neighborhood album cover shows Aunt Sofonda inside a doll house
Cold Turkeys - Sleeping In Trees album cover shows a photo of trees
PleasPlease The Danger single cover shows Marcel peaking through blinds at the moon shining through a craggy tree
John Onder - Just What I Needed - album cover shows an outline of John with his guitar and dog
Marylyn Coffey Can't Feel a Thing album cover shows a painting by Marylyn of floating ameboid shapes
Some Rhymes Go Deeper album cover shows Sylvia playing her ukulele in front of a yacht named Sylvia
Whispering Winds album cover shows Mark leaning against a wall
Alan Little While They Were Sleeping album cover shows a picture of Alan wearing a white tee shirt
Mark MacNeil - Shoot The Breeze cover art shows Mark standing by a blue van in Texas and holding a hotdog
Aunt Sofonda - Your Work Wife Is Cheating On You cover art
Kirsta - Stars Fell On Alabama cover art
Aunt Sofonda - Sofonda Exotica album cover
Kat Elizabeth - Kat Elizabeth album cover
Trite 55 - Don't Tell album cover
Jim Cavender and Skip Heller - A Cellarfull Of Noise album cover
pleasPlease - I Dream Of Jonny album cover